Page 111 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 111

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Tomorrow my own sales package will be complete. When
that's done, I'll post them at GetResponse as autoresponder

Day 13: My first order of business today is writing a series
of four letters giving full information about my teleseminar.
These are all very similar, differing mainly in the opening
paragraphs, so I'm finished in a couple of hours.

Now I post my two autoresponder series at

The first series, with seven messages, will go out to people
who read my press release and request more information on
running a business.

The second series will be a sequence of four letters telling
about the teleseminar and urging them to sign up for it.

By now my PayPal account is ready, so I log in and find the
page where I can create purchase links. These are the links
my customers will click when they want to buy. This only
takes a few minutes.

In order to make a link, I have to decide on a price for my
event. That information becomes part of the link that PayPal
makes. So I set the price at $67.00, which is pretty low for
this kind of event, but since nobody knows me, that's about


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