Page 113 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 113

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Okay, the second series of letters is complete. It's ready to
become autoresponder messages.

I make the second autoresponder first, load in the four
messages, and make careful note of the GetResponse

Returning to the first series, I take the GetResponse address
for the 4-part series and insert that address into the ads at
the end of each newsletter.

I make an autoresponder for the newsletter messages, load
in the 7-part series and make a careful note of the
GetResponse address. This address will go into my news

Here's how it'll work:

     1. My news release gets published, and it includes the
         link for more info

     2. A reader sends for the free 7-part series
     3. The 7-part series begins
     4. The reader then wants to know about the teleseminar

         and clicks on that link
     5. The 4-part series begins
     6. The reader wants to attend the teleseminar and clicks

         on the TinyURL link
     7. The TinyURL link forwards them to the PayPal


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