Page 112 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 112

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


as much as I feel comfortable with.

A $67.00 price should be fairly easy for my partners to sell,
and if I fill up the 97 lines on the conference call, that's
better than $6,000. After paying out a 60% commission,
that'll leave me around $2,400. It won't make me rich, but
it'll take some of the pressure off, and it'll also give me a
shot at the backend consulting work, which does pay well.

Going through the process at PayPal, I input all the
information, and it gives me a text link and an HTML button.
I don't need the HTML stuff, so I just copy the text link,
paste it into a text file, and save it on my desktop. However,
this link is about 150 characters long. Long links like this
often break up in email. Besides, they're ugly. I need a way
to shorten that sucker.

Going to, I enter the long PayPal
link, and it supplies me with a much shorter, easier-to-use
link. This service is free.

I take this TinyURL link and put it into my four sales letters.

Now when a reader clicks on this link, they'll go briefly (2 or
3 seconds) to a temporary page, then be forwarded on to
the proper PayPal purchasing page where they can sign up.

Almost magical, huh?


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