Page 250 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
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30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Normally, this would be a very time consuming and
elaborate process, but again thanks to, I
just click on the “Groups” tab, type in “Back Pain”, and I get
78,900 listings for newsgroups related to back pain!Once I
have found what I’m looking for, I would save them to my
favorites’ in a special folder called “Back Pain Project”.

And as for the forums, I would simply use Google and type
in “Back Pain Forum”. This will return me with 230 results to
add to my growing collection.

Now, I’m going to go throughout these forums and
newsgroups and pay careful attention to any and all
questions that people are asking about their back pain. I
would copy and paste these questions (and answers to the
questions if possible) to a text file, and save in a special
folder on my desktop called “Back Pain Project”. I am going
to use these questions and answers for a very specific
purpose a little later…

Day 3: Now that I have several questions -- and hopefully
answers – to several peoples’ problems with ‘back pain’, I
can now carefully study these questions to find a common
bond between them.

It is possible, that quite often no answers will be provided
for these poor back pain sufferers’ questions. So, it’s time to
go a little deeper into my research and find the answers to
the questions they seek.


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