Page 254 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 254

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


In this letter, I would not try to sell them anything
whatsoever, BUT I would not give away ALL the information
I have collected, because I’ll need this later for my product.

I would then close the letter by telling them if they have any
questions at all about their back pain, to feel free to contact
me at any time via-email (or phone) and I will be glad to
help them in any way I can. After the letter is finished, I
would save it to a text file in my “Back Pain Project” folder
on my desktop, remove the friend or relative’s name from
the greeting of the letter, and take a much needed break for
the rest of the day.

Day 13: Now, it’s almost time to let the world know about
my newfound expertise.

But first, I’m going to need to set up a newsletter for back
pain sufferers worldwide, and a way to take orders for my
product when it’s ready to roll out.

So, I find a free mailing list service that does not contain
any ads whatsoever, and I sign up for my free account.
(HINT: is such a service
that only sends out a single advertisement when someone
subscribes to your mailing list. This is a one-time ad, and
your subscribers will never see it again after the “thank you
for subscribing” email. An excellent choice, if you have no
money to set up a premium account.)…


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