Page 252 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 252

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


This will put me in just the right mind-set to become a well-
known and respected expert in my chosen target market,
and will be absolutely VITAL to my success.

Day 11: I have now read all the books I could find on the
subject of ‘back pain’ and have more than enough
information to easily fill in very detailed and specific answers
to the questions in my text file.

I will now go to my favorites and check all my forums and
newsgroups once more, again searching for as many
peoples’ questions I could possibly find related to ‘back
pain’. I don’t necessarily need the answers this time around,
but I’m going to go ahead and save them to my text file
anyhow, just in case I come across a different perspective
for a solution to the person’s problem.

Using my newfound expertise on the subject of back pain, I
can easily fill in those questions as well, and continue on my
journey to a sure-fire success.

Day 12: Now that I have several questions AND answers to
many ‘back pain’ problems, I have enough information and
collected data to create an already needed digital product.

However, I don’t stop there.


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