Page 302 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 302

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Would be just like yesterday ... snooping around the local
area ... letting my fingers walk through the Yellow pages ...
physically viewing the businesses I have identified as known
buyers ... reading the classified ads ... searching the
Internet ... making copious notes.

My Internet searches would focus on any specific kinds of
equipment I felt I could find to resell. -- For example: I
would search on "Used Restaurant Equipment." That would
give me the websites of those who "sell" Used Restaurant
Equipment. Keeping in mind that, if they "sell" it, they have
to "buy" it somewhere ... why not from me.

DAY 4:

Another day like days 2 and 3. -- My goal is to identify as
many "real" known buyers in my local area ... what they
"sell" is what they "buy" - and making notes about whether
or not the businesses appear successful.

Whether or not the business appears successful will depend
upon every observable factor about the business. -- How the
inventory is maintained. (Dirty or ill-kept inventory; of any
kind, is a sign of poor management.) -- Whether or not; and
how, I am greeted when I visit the business. (Ignoring, or
not offering to help, me is a sign of management apathy -
and - a business owner implying by their actions that I must
ask them for help would be a big negative.) -- How many
customers are browsing. -- Are they making; or attempting
to make, sales. (If they aren't, I would wonder; and make a


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