Page 304 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 304

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


This morning, I would find a quiet place ... at the kitchen
table or at my desk in my den ... and review all of my notes
from my snooping adventures.

As I went through my notes, I would apply the "One
Constant Factor of Industry" to start finding stuff I could
sell to the known buyers I have identified.

What? -- You say you don't know about the "One Constant
Factor of Industry" ... well, here it is:

               In every industry in this country,
               you fill find used, excess, surplus,
               redundant and other unused
               equipment gathering dust in
               storage areas and back rooms.

As individual businesses, in any industry, succeed and grow,
they must expand and improve their capacity to do their
business. To do that, they acquire bigger and better
equipment to serve their customers.

Usually, the source or supplier of the 'new' bigger and better
equipment will offer trade-in allowances for the old
equipment - but - successful business people (in every
industry) are most often contingency planners. -- So, they
ask themselves ...

What if the 'new' equipment doesn't work as well as
intended? -- What if the capacity of the 'new' equipment is


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