Page 309 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 309

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


In the evening, I would again read the newspaper classified
ads to see if there is anything being offered that might sell
to one; or more, of my buyer. -- If I found something, I
would contact the seller and arrange to see the equipment
(or whatever) the next morning.

Later, I would search the Internet for "buyers" for any of the
stuff I had found to sell. -- I would contact those buyers and
give them a description of what I had to offer, to see if they
had any interest.

At each of the websites of the buyers, I would look for a
"Contact Us" button. -- If they didn't have one, I would
simply move on. -- If they did offer contact information, I
would simply send them an email telling them what I had
available ... giving a full description ... telling them
(generally) where it was located, and asking them if they
would have any interest in acquiring it. (I would NOT quote
an asking price. I would simply advise them that I had it
available. -- If they responded with some interest, I would
then ASK, "How much would you be willing to pay?")

In my email message, I would include my full "real" name,
mailing address, telephone number and FAX number.

To make this approach work to its maximum, I would also
print a copy of my email to them and "mail" it to them at the
address on their website. Again, if there wasn't an address
on the website, I would simply move on.


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