Page 312 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 312

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


By the way, commissions on used equipment can run from a
few hundred to a few thousand dollars ... so, any sale I
would make would put me in a far better financial position.

In the evening, I would follow the same routine as yesterday
... reading the classified ads and searching the Internet.

DAYS 10 - 11:

Would be just like DAYS 8 and 9 ... searching out stuff to
sell ... contacting buyers ... making sales ... collecting my

Each evening, I would check my emails to see if I had any
interested buyers from the Internet. -- Send them asking
prices. -- Make sales where possible.

DAY 12:

First thing this morning , I would (again) spend a couple
hours ... or however much time it took ... to contact each
and every one of my persistent creditors by phone to assure
them that I would not be running out on the debt.

After completing my calls to my creditors, I would continue
searching out stuff to sell ... contacting buyers ... making
sales ... collecting my commissions.

DAY 13:


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