Page 311 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 311

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


First thing in the morning, I would check my email to see if
any of the buyers had responded to my offer. -- If any had,
I would respond to their email ASKing them what they would
be willing to pay.

Then, I would go see any items I had found in the classified
ads and get a commission agreement from the seller ... or,
not ... depending upon what was being offered, what
condition it was in, and whether or not I thought it would
sell to one of the buyers I had identified.

With a detailed description of the equipment; and a
statement of its condition, in hand, I would call on the
buyers on my list who I consider the most likely to want any
of the equipment I had located. -- In each case, I would give
the buyer the asking price ... usually, I would add about
25% to the seller's price; just so the buyer would have some
negotiating room. -- If the buyer liked the equipment, but
didn't like the price, I would ASK, "Well, how much would
you be willing to pay for it?"

If the buyer offers more than the seller wants, I would
consider it extra profit for me. -- If the buyers offers less
than the seller wants, I would go back to the seller to see if I
can renegotiate the price.

Now, I would go back and forth between the sellers and the
buyera, until a deal was made; or the deal wasn't made. --
Either way, I would be learning more and more about that
kind of equipment.


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