Page 314 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 314

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


DAY 20:

Another Saturday. -- Time to review all of my seller and
buyer notes ... do my bookkeeping (count my profits for the
week ... determine which creditors I would pay and how
much) ... plan my next week's movements.

DAY 21:

It's Sunday, again. -- Today, I would sleep late. -- Maybe do
some light reading ... watch TeeVee ... nap in my recliner ...
rest, refresh myself and recharge my entrepreneurial

DAYS 22 - 25:

Same as DAYS 8 through 11 - but - by now, I would have
enough money in my pocket to consider the possibilities of
establishing an on-going business; to replace the one I lost
(whatever that might have been) ... or pursue an
opportunity in one of the businesses I have investigated
during my snooping adventures.

For example: Let's suppose that during my snooping
adventures and subsequent searches for things to sell I
came upon a business; or activity; or endeavor, that I found
interesting and offered opportunities far beyond the
understanding or methodology of the business owners ... I
might decide to set up the same kind of business, or a
business that offered services to those kind of businesses


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