Page 316 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 316

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


TeeVee ... nap in my recliner ... rest, refresh myself and
recharge my entrepreneurial batteries.

DAY 29 - 30:

Same as DAYS 8 through 11 - but - with an eye to getting
into an on-going business.

MONTH 2 and beyond ...

With the cash I have accumulated, I would get involved with
an on-going business of some kind - BUT - as I have said
countless times ...

"If I had it all to do over again, I would never again create
any products of my own. I would simply act as a drop ship
dealer; or affiliate, and let the drop shipper have all the
headaches of manufacturing, production, warehousing,
inventory control, picking, packing, shipping, and customer
relations. Leaving me free to do what I do best ... marketing
and selling."

To that end, I would spend my time researching and
identifying buyers for products, or services, I find
interesting. Determine how to best reach those buyers to
offer them what they want to buy. -- Then, locating a source
of those items to sell to them.



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