Page 319 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 319

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer: By Joe Vitale

Day 1: First, I'd read "The E-Code: 47 Surprising Ways To
Make Money Almost Instantly Online."Then, I would take a
lot of deepbreaths...and relax.

Remind yourself that great business people often failed,
went bankrupt, felt hopeless, and then somehow turned it
around to make a killing, a new name, and great wealth.

You can do it, too...After that, I would set an intention.
That means, I would declare what I want to achieve at the
end of this 30 days.

Call it a goal if you like, but "intention" is a much more
powerful word to me.

Since your words have power and will direct your energies, I
would do this right after those deep breaths...

Next, I would jump online and start searching for problems.
That means I would ask myself what I am interested in, and
then find the groups or ezines devoted to those topics.

So if I'm into (say) horses, I would locate all the groups and
e-newsletters devoted to horses. I would ask myself, "What
is their biggest problem?"


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