Page 324 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 324

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 23: I would go back to the media and tell them about
my odd new freebies. If I can now afford it, I would send out
faxes using .

Day 24: By now I should have a list of buyers and know
where the groups and ezines are for my niche. I should
begin to be seen as an expert on the subject. I would write
an article or two and distribute them to these buyers and

Day 25: I would conduct a survey to find out what my niche
wants next. I'd ask what their biggest concerns are. I'd pay
attention to see how I can solve their problems. I'd then
create products to sell to them to solve their very problems.

Day 27: I don't want to forget the off-line world, so I would
consider finding a local group online to speak to about
horses (again, if that's my market.)

I'd offer to be a speaker at their next meeting. There, I can
plug myself as an expert and maybe get hired as a
consultant. If nothing else, I can promote my ebooks to

Day 28: I'd go to and
arrange to have one of my ebooks printed in 5 minutes (yes,
5 minutes). I'd then offer a hard copy of my ebook to my
lists. The hard copy would sell for 20 times more than the
ebook, and only I few will buy it, but it's great money when
they do.


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