Page 320 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 320

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


I would spend today doing research, looking for problems to
solve for a specific group.

Day 2: I would confirm the research I found yesterday. If it
turns up that a particular group of people have a problem,
I'll see if I can solve it based on my own experience.

If not, I'll see if I can find others who can solve it and
interview them for their answers. If you can't tell by now,
what I'm working to do is create an e-book or e-product of
some sort I can sell to these groups and these ezines.

I can write it if I have the materials, or I can search online
to find and compile the materials, or I can interview experts
and gather what I need that way.

Day 3: I would continue the research, focus on the topic,
and get crackin to get it done. I would send out emails to
the experts, I would do research, I would work on the book.

Day 4: If creditors are calling, I would contact each and
assure them they will have their money in 30 days...

Meanwhile, I would listen to relaxing music...Remind myself
of my intention...and keep writing. I can write a book in 7
days and so can you. Just see

Day 5: If I get panicky about money, I can spend a day
listing things on Ebay. That could bring me some cash in 7
days or less...


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