Page 315 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 315

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


(maybe even nationwide). -- Remember: As a true
entrepreneur, everything and anything represents an
opportunity ... as long as I also remember that (1) I must
do something, and (2) I must "sell" something.

DAY 26:

First thing this morning , I would (again) spend a couple
hours ... or however much time it took ... to contact each
and every one of my persistent creditors by phone to assure
them that I would not be running out on the debt. -- I would
also tell those for which I had some money to pay that I
would be sending a payment of $xxx the following Monday -
but - I wouldn't tell them that unless I were really going to it
- and - I would do it as promised.

After completing my calls to my creditors, I would continue
searching out stuff to sell ... contacting buyers ... making
sales ... collecting my commissions.

DAY 27:

Another Saturday. -- Time to review all of my seller and
buyer notes ... do my bookkeeping (count my profits for the
week ... determine which creditors I would pay and how
much) ... plan my next week's movements.

DAY 28:

It's Sunday, again. -- Today, I would sleep late. -- Mostly
rest and relax. -- Maybe do some light reading ... watch


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