Page 323 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 323

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 18: I'd put it together and offer it to the list of people
who bought my first book.

Day 19: I'd take the day off and read my new book, "The
Greatest Money-Making Secret in History," and/or my new
book, "The E-Code: 47 Surprising Ways To Make Money
Almost Instantly Online."

Day 20: Since by now I should have a selling product, and a
new list of buyers, I'd like for other products already created
to offer them. I would become an affiliate for those other
items. I'd then send notices to my list about the new items.

Day 21: I would create a new ebook of nothing but quotes
for the market I am now serving. In other words, if I wrote
an ebook about horses, I'd now go and collect quotes about

I would give this one away for free. It could become a viral
marketing campaign and lead to sales of my main products.
The free quote book would have links in it of course for all
my stuff.

Day 22: I would also collect jokes about horses (or whatever
my niche market is). I would do the same thing and let this
be a free book, packed with my own links, that I let others
distribute for me. Of course, I would let my list know about
these new items of mine.


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