Page 321 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 321

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Otherwise, the goal is to complete the e-book. If it starts to
look like I can create more than one ebook, I will consider
making a smaller one as the lead-in and creating a larger
one for an up-sale. I'd focus on making products.

Day 6: I'd set up a new account with Clickbank. It takes fifty
bucks. If I can put it on a credit card, I will. If not, I'd find
something to sell. If not, I'd find someone's grass to cut. I'd
find a way to get $50, even if I have to go on the street and
perform magic for donations.

Day 7: I'd finish the main book and create a few special
reports to act as my bonuses. If I don't feel I can write new
material, I'd simply go online and search for free stuff I can
offer as my bonuses. People will welcome the freebies since
I did the research to find them.

Day 8: Time to write the greatest sales letter of my life. I
have to pull out all stops to make it irresistible for someone
to buy my new book.

Day 9: I'd read my own book, "Spiritual Marketing," for free
online at for inspiration.

Day 10: I'd send emails to everyone who has a list
pertaining to the subject of my ebook. I want to alert them
that the book is coming, they can be an affiliate for it, and
let them see the book. I'd probably ask for endorsements
from them at this point, too.


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