Page 308 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 308

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


                   to tell her was ...

                           Get off your fat fanny!
            You can't expect to earn anything sitting

                      at home with the TeeVee on.

           If you rely solely upon the information you
           glean from the Internet, or by telephone, you
           are in for disappointment after

             A "home based" business is "based" at
                              your home - but ...

             That doesn't mean all you have to do is
               sit at home an wait for the money to
                                   come to you.

Once I have determined that the "seller" may have
something one of my known "buyers" might buy, I would
ASK if they would pay a commission ... how much? ... and
get them to agree IN WRITING to pay that commission if I
brought a buyer to them.

I would spend the rest of the day searching out the used,
excess, surplus, redundant and other unused equipment
gathering dust in storage areas and back rooms. -- Before
the end of the day, I would have a beginning list of stuff to


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