Page 305 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 305

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


exceeded? -- What if the 'new' equipment requires repairs or
maintenance that takes it off-line? -- What will we do?

To be prepared for such contingencies, many (if not most)
successful businesses keep and maintain the 'old' equipment
they have replaced with the 'new' equipment, as a back-up.
-- Just in case! -- They figure they can always "sell" the old
equipment later to recover any "trade-in allowance" they
missed - but - they rarely do. -- The old equipment usually
ends up being taken off-line and stored in some out-of-the-
way place.

I would spend this day in the Yellow Pages identifying
businesses that might have used, excess, surplus, redundant
and other unused equipment gathering dust in their storage
areas ... equipment that might be of interest to my list of
known buyers.

DAY 7:

It's Sunday. -- Today, I would sleep late. -- Maybe do some
light reading ... watch TeeVee ... nap in my recliner. As I
have done for well over 50 years. One day out of seven to
rest, refresh myself and recharge my entrepreneurial

DAY 8:

Today, I would start in earnest to locate things to sell to the
known buyers I have identified.


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