Page 416 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 416

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Tell them that you and Guido are very happy to have them
as members.

Day 14 – Create a discussion group section in the member’s
area with a goal of starting each week with a new topic of
discussion. Incorporate the best tips and tricks from each
week’s discussions into the site. Free content that you get
to sell, what more could you ask for. Awwwww, man! I had
to ask. The T-bone’s back.

Days 15-20 – Moderate discussion group. Add points for
next week’s newsletter in rough draft, pulling from
discussion group and outside sources. (hehe – free content)
Check search engine rankings again. Buy more hat pins.
Offer referral incentive program, a standard affiliate
program, tailored to my site. Send a notice to all the

Day 21 – Start new discussion. Archive previous discussion
for later reference for articles and site content. (hehe – free
content) Finalize newsletter and send. Tell them about the
affiliate program, again. Don’t tell them about my T-bone
visions. Check bank account. Compare to bills. Drool like
Pavolov’s dog. The T-bone is turning the corner and heading
for the home stretch.

Days 22-30 – Moderate discussion group. Add points for
next week’s newsletter in rough draft, pulling from
discussion group and outside sources. Check search engine


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