Page 411 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 411

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


memorable and consistent throughout….like chocolate fudge

All right! Snap out of it! Enough with the food already!

8th grade phys-ed teacher. 8th grade phys-ed teacher.
Ugh! Ok, I’m not hungry anymore. Where was I?…

It will use graphics minimally and wisely in order to insure
quick load times for each page. I will google for sites similar
to what I intend to create, taking ideas from them (just
ideas, no cutting and pasting, tempting though it may be)
and combining them into the mental image of my site. I will
transfer my mental image to scratch paper, complete with
reminder bullet points…just as soon as I find a pen that still
has some ink. Finally, I will go to my chosen registrar (like
DirectNIC) and search for a domain name that is relevant to
what I intend to provide, and short enough to be easily
remembered, and register it.

Day 2 – I will jump through whatever hoops necessary with
my ISP to create my personal site space, and begin
developing my site. This shouldn’t take more than a
promise to feed them my first born child. I will sign up for
PayPal and complete the verification process for a business
account. Something’s terribly wrong at PayPal. That was
just way too easy.


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