Page 409 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 409

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Answer by: Marie Myers


   1. I’m broke. Oh man, am I broke! I caught myself
       drooling while watching the neighbor’s dog picking
       through their garbage. They haven’t turned my phone
       off yet, and at this point, I’m not sure whether to
       consider that a blessing or a curse. So far, none of my
       creditors have mentioned sending Guido over, but I’m
       sure it’s coming.

   2. I don’t have a website already made. If I did, it’d
       probably be about how broke I am.

   3. I, like most people, have enough knowledge on a
       subject to create a commercial site based on that
       knowledge, which I can supplement by researching free
       resources on the internet. Fortunately, I do have
       knowledge of something other than being broke. I just
       can’t see getting people to pay me to show them how
       to be broke.

   4. I have just enough funding left to register a domain
       with a registrar that also provides DNS service, thanks
       to the local blood bank and that whacko that bought
       grandma’s old false teeth at the yard sale.

   5. My ISP allows for at least one personal site. Mine will
       probably be the only one on the server that isn’t about


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