Page 404 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 404

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


did not respond yet - he says he is a slow reader and is still
going through it.

7 Survey responses come back.

We send out the free gift to the respondents.

Turns out most (5) of the respondents want consulting and
support in getting themselves trained as a pet channeler.
Some want more information products.

We contact one of the experts we interviewed and ask them
if they would have time for phone consulting and he says no.
We ask him if he would agree to answer email questions and
participate in a forum and he says yes. We begin to work out
the details.

We make 137.00 on one auction - not bad at all.

Day 22 - We hear from JV prospect #4 - he will participate
but he doesnt know how to write an endorsement. We
suggest that we can write it and he can send it out as long
as he agrees with the wording. He says sure and asks if we
can get it to him by the end of the day so he can send it out
tonite! Woo hoo.

Totals are now up to $3,812.00

UH OH! How will we track sales for our JV partners? Forgot
about that.


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