Page 401 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 401

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


We will also edit our me page so it offers a mailto link to
sign up for our free newsletter so browsers get added to our
list. Since eBay does not allow you to link to your site you
have to find other smart ways to maximize the incredible
traffic they receive. We learned all of our eBay tricks from
our friend and master eBay marketer Rob Watson of Guerilla
Auction Tactics fame.

We will invest some of our money into google adwords.
Absolutely no competition for our keywords but the traffic is

We are using a simple and free ad tracking technique to
know where our traffic is coming from - we are simply
appending a ?trafficsource code to all of our links. So for our
google campaign - we are using

Day 17 We have some hardcore results. We now are
receiving a 1:16 conversion rate (which is phenomenal).
That means that for every 16 visitors we are getting - one is
buying our $97.00 product. We have now banked a total of
2,562.00 (including eBay sales and website sales).

We take our proposal email and begin to personally type an
email to (we never use an autoresponder to send out JV
emails) our potential JV prospects.

We also use to find out the phone
numbers for some of our prospects (because email is


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