Page 399 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 399

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


google toolbar. We would find sites that are listed very high
in the search engines and (according to alexa and traffic those sites that receive a fair amount of

We would use our wildly successful JV proposal template to
prepare a JV proposal to get them on board. But we will also
need to have two things in place first:

   • Results - Our salesletter conversion rate and actual
       dollars earned.

   • A website that sells

No one would promote a salesletter that had only done well
on ebay. So we would need to do our research and prepare
a list of JV partners that we could contact later in the month.
We would also use our HTML skills to build our eBay Me Page
- which can provide us with a lot of traffic to the minisite
which we will be working on building.

Day 10 would have the results for our salesletter tests - The
original salesletter/headline combo received the most traffic
and bids (plus we made 107.00 for our product). We use
paypal to transfer the money to our account and reserve
money to pay the phone bill and internet service at the end
of the month.

We would then spend the next 3 days doing the following:


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