Page 402 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 402

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


beginning to overload many of us) and start to work out
some JV deals.

We mail and call 29 people.

4 respond positively the first day - excellent! They all wisely
ask to review our product before endorsing it to their

We share our infoproduct with them and agree to follow up
in about 3 days.

Day 18 We have sold 4 more copies of our book to
members of our list and through an eBay auction. We are
now testing new categories on eBay for our infoproduct to
see if it sells to them.

We contact the excellent programming team who had helped
us build the Ultimate Marketers Resource and ask them to
build a sophisticated ad tracker/ROI tool similar to the one
we had in the UMR back in the good old days. Since we have
a great relationship with them and have known them for a
long time - they agree to do this for us at a 60% discount
off their normal rate.

We begin working on a survey to send to our 40 customers
asking them what problems they are having and what other
information or software would help them with that problem.
This way we can begin working on a backend product or


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