Page 397 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 397

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


look for the "hook" - that bit of information that is so
unusual and exciting that it draws the reader in and we
would use that to help us craft our headline. We had kept all
of our electronic copies of ebooks and software such as
Great Headlines Instantly and Scott Britners Headline
Creator Pro. We would use those tools and the hook we
discovered to create the following headline:

"Amazing Secret Discovered By A 63 Year Old
Grandfather Reveals The Ancient Egyptian Techniques
Of Pet Channeling And Can Teach Anyone How To Do
It Almost Overnight!"

This hot headline would lead the targeted reader right into
our dramatic copy where we reveal the story of the 63 year
old grandfather who had lost his beloved friend of 22 years -
Arnold the beagle. He longed to find out how Arnold was and
"speak to him again". We would detail the pain of losing a
pet and the relief and happiness that you discover when you
learn to channel. We also detail the other benefits: making a
living, helping other grieving pet owners get over their pain,

Then we would offer a 90 day money back guarantee - try
out our techniques and if they dont work for you in 90 days
- you will get a prompt refund of your money and of course
we would give them an option to order online.

We would set up a free ordertaking system using paypal and
we would also setup an account with stormpay. Why two


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