Page 398 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 398

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


you ask? Well, back in the days that we were making real
money - we learned quickly that in this business, you are at
the mercy of the merchant account companies - so its
always best to have at least one backup that you can move
to swiftly should your main service provider fail you, freeze
your funds or have processing problems.

Day 7 would find us back at eBay. Why eBay again? Well - if
you remember we did some of our research here. eBay is a
great place to sell information products. So we would setup
our eBay account (they dont charge you til the end of the
month for the very small listing fees) and put up our
infoproduct - How to Become A Pet Channeler in 30 days or
Less. We would list it in the psychic/paranormal category.
What would we use to describe our product and help to sell
it? Why our salesletter of course.

eBay is the best (and cheapest) place to test if a product will
sell. Since we are short on time, we will put it up for a 3 day
auction using the headline we wrote. As a split test (to see
which salesletter will do the best) we will put up another 3
day auction using an alternative headline.

Day 8 & 9 would have us watching our auctions to
determine which were getting the most traffic and bids.
Looks like the first one is going to be a winner.

But we would also be spending our time seeking out
potential JV partners to begin to help us in marketing this
product. What we would do is download alexa and the


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