Page 403 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 403

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 19 Two JV partners have written back - they will both
gladly endorse the product. One says he will mail it in 5 days
and one can mail his list in 3 weeks. Thats the way JV's go.
Since you are the beneficiary of their endorsement you have
absolutely no say over when they will endorse you. So you
have to wait.

We have made 5 sales today - two from google and one
from our newsletter. Two auctions closed with a Buy Now
purchase. One was in a strange category that we never
thought of before and one was in our paranormal category.

Day 20. 2 more requests to review our product have
trickled in. We send those out. Our team installs the ad
tracker. An inspiration hits us during the day and we decide
to try a new headline. It bombs. We only receive a 1:39
conversion rate for the day so we switch back to our control
and decide not to pull anything like that until we have a
safety net in the bank.

We write a small 5 page report that we can offer as a gift in
exchange for returning our survey and we also ask for a

We send out our survey.

Day 21 - One of our JV partners writes back - he likes the
product but needs to see the results of other JV's before he
will participate. We follow up on the phone with the one who


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