Page 410 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 410

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


       the family cat or an obsession with something

   6. My ISP allows for password protecting areas of the site.
       Something I assume comes in handy for the folks who
       are obsessed with something grotesque.

   7. My ISP allows the use of CGI. A few trips to the library
       and a bucket of gingko biloba should be enough for me
       to grasp the concept of what CGI is. After that, I’ll sell
       a kidney and find someone who knows how to make it
       work. Oh, hey! My ISP’s FAQ says they’ll help me with
       that, for free. And, they’ve got links to sites with all
       kinds of free CGI scripts! Cool! Now all I have to do is
       figure out what an FAQ is. Who came up with this
       alphabet soup mess for computers anyway?

   8. I have a valid bank account for use with PayPal. It’s so
       far in the hole the bank changes to a red ribbon in their
       printer when it’s time to spit out my statement, but it’s

Day 1 – Decide what, and who, my market will be. How will
I target them? What will I sell them?

With that in mind, I will develop a site in my minds
eye….just as soon as I get that big, juicy T-bone out of it.
The site will be colorful….like a fresh salad bar. It will be


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