Page 414 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 414

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


vow to resubmit my site until they become so tired of seeing
my submissions that they list me just to shut me up. If I’m
found by the search engine, I will conduct searches on my
key words and/or phrases. I will not celebrate by going
down to the corner for something with an umbrella in it. If
I’m not number one in a search category, I will throw a
temper tantrum and pout for at least five minutes. Then, I
will analyze those well connected heathens listed ahead of
me, with oodles of money to grease the programmer’s palms
with, to see what I might do differently to increase my sites
ranking in the search engines, and do it. I will not call them
up and offer my second born. I actually like her.

Day 8 – I will begin writing a series of short articles that are
basically informative, that do not give away the farm.
Considering the current condition of the farm, they’d
probably make me take it back, and charge me for delivery,
anyway. I will research UseNet news groups that are
connected with the subject of my site, subscribe to them
and prepare my news reader/editor software for posting. I
will include in my signature line(s) a link to my site’s
doorway page(s). I will refrain from using the language I
use on my ex when I’m posting on UseNet. This tends to
give people the impression that I’m not a nice person.
Excuse me while I go deal with my second born for the
comment she made when she read that last sentence.

Day 9 – I will continue writing my short articles, posting
them to the UseNet groups as well as the E-Zines and


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