Page 412 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 412

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


Day 3 – I will complete the doorway pages, my hooks, to
my site. (note to self: Refrain from actually using the term
“hook” on these pages) I will spend the rest of the day
researching additional information to put into my members
only pages, incorporating the information and links into my
member pages. I will return to the top twenty sites related
to what I propose and view their meta keys for tips, which I
will incorporate into the meta keys for my site. I will
complete the rest of my site. This will include plenty of
useful information, but will not include all I have at hand,
allowing for updates to the members areas, keeping the
excitement alive, kinda like I’m doing with that last loaf of
bread. I will go to PayPal and set up a shopping cart for
subscription purchases, linking it to my soon to be published
site. Ok, I’m now certain something is wrong at PayPal.
That was even easier. hmmmmm….Maybe it’s not really
that easy. Maybe I’m just getting the hang of this stuff.
Yeah, right! And Madonna is really Sean Penn in drag.

Day 4 – I will publish my site, create a DNS record at my
registrar, and begin listing my site/domain with the various
search engines. Starting point, Promote-O-Matic
(,, or similar. I
may not know how to do it all, but it sure sounds convincing,
doesn’t it?

And, now that I have my site online, I will e-mail or call the
webmasters and owners of sites I used as resources,
requesting link exchanges. Actually, I’ll beg, but requesting


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