P. 15

One can only imagine what goes on in the minds of potential employers. When we hear of
               blokes failing that interview when they were instructed to give an account of their social
               media activity i think its high time we pulled the rug from under their feet.

               And welcomed these teens into the real world where the choices they make now will not go
               unpunished in the future. We all need to chip in and reason with them seeing that this has
               become the age of immaturity.

               When all we see are kids dancing on the screen have dressed and full of the enthusiasm of a
               piñata about to get cracked open by a bunch of wild and uncontrollable babes at a party
               thrown by the dj spinning them nasty records of repeat!

               Its at times like these that i thank my parents for spanking me as a kid growing up. Solomon
               said that he that disciplines his child spares him from the wrath of hell. But he that withholds
               the cane from the child really does not love his kids.

               Young man obey your father’s instructions and do not despise your mother’s wisdom. A wise
               son is the pride of his father but a foolish one brings shame to his own mother! Children obey
               your parents in the lord for this is a commandment from the lord.

               That you may live long in the land the lord has given to you. For this command has a
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