Page 107 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 107

                     CVV-KI block section is an interchange point and last block section of SC
                     division. Traffic block availability near the interchange point is always a

                     As a part of commissioning of KI yard, existing UP line CVV-KI section is
                     suspended. Through cut and connection, DN traffic will be dealt on new
                     third line and UP traffic will be dealt on existing DN line. Thus, existing UP
                     line is suspended for a period of 30 days till CVV yard is commissioned.

                       UP/DN                Location              Block section        Length
                       UP line              KM 562-567            CVV-KI               5.235

                     Two layer system is adopted for TFTR work, ie with 500 mm thick subgrade
                     soil  of  SQ2  classification  and  400  mm  thick  blanketing  material  as  per
                     Para  3.10,  Specifications  and  Thickness  of  formation  layers,  RDSO
                     Specification No. RDSO/2020/ GE: IRS-0004

                     TFTR work at site has started on 09th Oct and track fit is given on 16th
                     Nov.  Work is  completed  in  39  days.  Out  of  these  39days,  heavy  down
                     pour occurred in 6 days and intermittent rains have occurred in 10 days
                     which has forced to stop the formation works.
                     In  total,  5235  m  of  TFTR  work  is  completed  in  23  days  and  section  is
                     opened to traffic. Thus, an average progress of 228 m of TFTR work per
                     day is achieved.

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