Page 125 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 125

 LPI-    Rd  6  –  10  Kmph    to  be  relaxed  (Multiple  crossovers  &
                          Sharp Curve more than 8 degrees)
                        LPI Rd5 & Rd 4 - 15 Kmph to be relaxed (multiple Crossovers)
                        HSJ- SC-SNF(Cord line)  15KMPH to be relaxed

                          HSJ- HYB-SC (Cord line)  15KMPH to be relaxed
                        HSJ- Loop line  15KMPH to be relaxed

                     4. PSR removals:

                        NMPL  yard  30  kmph  to  90  Kmph  after  removal  of  spiked
                          points and passing through Main line.
                        PUDR yard – (km 61/15-62/21) from 30 to 90 kmph for Empty

                          goods/Coaching and 60 Kmph for loaded goods
                        Permanent  Speed  Restriction  reduction  using  provision  of
                          routing  home  has  been  achieved  in  terminating  stations.
                          15Kmph  Speed  boards  have  been  removed  at  BDCR,  VKB,
                          and PRLI.


                        Proposed for removal of PSR between MKDI-WIRR (UP- 161/3-
                          160/23) from 75 Kmph to 110 Kmph
                        Proposed  for  removal  of  PSR  between  LPI-HFZ  (DN-  166/32-
                          167/24) from 80 Kmph to 90 Kmph
                        Proposed for removal of PSR WIRR Yard (DN- 160/12-160/16)

                          from 75 Kmph to 110 Kmph

                       Reduction of PDD to less than 60 minutes
                        Target has been set by the division as

                              a. Train Ordering to Train arrival –“0” Mins
                              b. Train Ordering to Train departure – “30” Mins

               Commissioning of RE:

                        RE commissioning between KHNP-PRLI to be done.

                        RE commissioning at VCSG Siding of SEM to be done.
                        RE commissioning at JVRB Siding of PSHP to be done

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