Page 125 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 125
LPI- Rd 6 – 10 Kmph to be relaxed (Multiple crossovers &
Sharp Curve more than 8 degrees)
LPI Rd5 & Rd 4 - 15 Kmph to be relaxed (multiple Crossovers)
HSJ- SC-SNF(Cord line) 15KMPH to be relaxed
HSJ- HYB-SC (Cord line) 15KMPH to be relaxed
HSJ- Loop line 15KMPH to be relaxed
4. PSR removals:
NMPL yard 30 kmph to 90 Kmph after removal of spiked
points and passing through Main line.
PUDR yard – (km 61/15-62/21) from 30 to 90 kmph for Empty
goods/Coaching and 60 Kmph for loaded goods
Permanent Speed Restriction reduction using provision of
routing home has been achieved in terminating stations.
15Kmph Speed boards have been removed at BDCR, VKB,
and PRLI.
Proposed for removal of PSR between MKDI-WIRR (UP- 161/3-
160/23) from 75 Kmph to 110 Kmph
Proposed for removal of PSR between LPI-HFZ (DN- 166/32-
167/24) from 80 Kmph to 90 Kmph
Proposed for removal of PSR WIRR Yard (DN- 160/12-160/16)
from 75 Kmph to 110 Kmph
Reduction of PDD to less than 60 minutes
Target has been set by the division as
a. Train Ordering to Train arrival –“0” Mins
b. Train Ordering to Train departure – “30” Mins
Commissioning of RE:
RE commissioning between KHNP-PRLI to be done.
RE commissioning at VCSG Siding of SEM to be done.
RE commissioning at JVRB Siding of PSHP to be done