Page 128 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 128

b) Remodeling  of  Jaggayyapeta  Town  (JPTN)  for  enhancing  of
                       CSRs          and  provision  of  “Y”  connectivity  towards  MRCJ

                              Work is sanctioned for three works at JPTN yard under GM-
                              A. Restoration of Y-Connectivity Rs.2.484 Cr

                              B. Provision of full length loading line Rs.2.49 Cr
                              C. Up-gradation  of  signaling  arrangements  of  Y  –
                                    connectivity  Rs.2.49 Cr.

                          Status: Tenders awarded. LOA issued. TDC- March 2023.

                   c) Provision of block station:

                           With standard layout at existing halt station of Gandhipuram
                          between Karepalli-Chimalpahad in DKJ-MUGR section.

                          Status:  work  sanctioned  in  March2022.  Detailed  estimates
                          sanctioned. LOA station building given on 07.07.2022. LOA for
                          bridge  work  (10  KK)  given  on  26.07.22,  Track  work  LOA  on

                          15.07.2022. Cess work LOA-07.07.22

                   d) Freight examination facility at Dornakal Jn.

                          Status:  ESP  of  DKJ  is  approved  for  provision  of  freight
                          examination  line,  extension  of  existing  shunting  neck  to
                          accommodate  full  length  freight  train  and  provision  of  sick
                          line shed which are sanctioned in PWP under PH-4200. As part
                          of  3   line  works  between  KZJ-BZA,  additional  freight
                          examination  line  of  800  meters,  stabling  line  of  750  meters,

                          provision  of  shunting  neck  towards  KZJ  end  and
                          augmentation  of  sick  line  shed.  In  addition  to  the  above,
                          extension of existing dead end spurs of R-10&11 to full length
                          is required for better utilization of these spurs.

                       Operational Infrastructure Proposed for Sanction:

                   a) Jaggayyapeta Town (JPTN)-Electronic Interlocking:
                       It  is  proposed  to  execute  the  work  of  panel  interlocking  by
                       utilising  the  balance  funds  allocated  to  construction


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