Page 134 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 134

v.  Fabrication  of  Scrap  bins  for  collecting  and  unloading  of  wheel
                     swarf at BPA depot: The scrap bin has been developed in-house
                     at  BPA  freight  depot  for  easy  transportation  and  unloading  of

                     wheel swarf with the help of fork lift. This avoids manual unloading
                     of scrap and enhances safety of staff.

                    Collecting wheel                 Opening bottom doors by removing

                    swarf in Scrap bins              support rod and unloading swarf

               vi.  Usage of Pneumatic tools for loosening of Axle box bolts: At RDM,
                     SNF  &  BPA  freight  depots,  Pneumatic  tools  are  being  used  for
                     unlocking  of  axle  cover  bolts.  It  takes  less  time  and  can  be
                     operated with less effort, reduces fatigue. Can be used by lady

                     staff also.

               vii.  Provision  of  Surveillance  system  through  CC  Cameras  at
                     Automatic Coaches Washing Plants (SC& HYB) and all Electronic
                     In-Motion  Weigh  Bridges  (EIMWB):  At  Automatic  Coaching
                     Washing Plants(ACWP) of SC & HYB depots and at all Electronic
                     In-Motion  Weigh  Bridge(EIMWB),  Surveillance  system  of  CC
                     Cameras  have  been  provided  for  proper  monitoring  of  all


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