Page 153 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 153
viii. Area Training Centre:
Area Training centre is based at SNF freight depot for imparting
training to Group ‘C’ & Group ‘D’ staff in the division.
Course 2020-21 2021-22 (Apr-
Refresher Group ‘C’ (Every 3 293 183 141
course years)
Group ‘D’ (12 days) 87 133 4
Tech.(RRB) 236 06 0
(6 months)
course Apprentice
Tech.(CG) 32 32 31
(3 years)
Assistant to
Technician (LDCE) - - 27
Pre- Assistant to
promotional Technician - 07 -
course (21 days)
Total 648 361 203
* The increase in trainees during 2020-21 is due to induction of newly
recruited RRB candidates.
ix. Electronic In-motion weigh bridges & Pre Weigh bins:
Item Ownership Quantity Remarks
Additionally, 1 new Weigh bridges
at SSPD station is under installation.
Electronic Railway 11
Weigh Essae - 6+1(New), Digital - 4, Merit -
Bridges 1
Private 36 -
Weigh Private 13 -
* Periodical calibration, stamping, repeatability & joint inspection by
officers (once in 12 months) is being ensured.