Page 157 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 157
Examination of freight trains:
No. of Rakes 2022-23
examined 2020-21 2021-22 (Apr-Oct)
Total 4761 5657 3199
Avg. per Month 397 471 457
ROH Outturn:
SC division has achieved Highest ever ROH outturn of 472 wagons in
Jun-22 surpassing the previous highest 455 wagons in Jan-22
No. of Rakes 2022-23
examined 2020-21 2021-22 (Apr-Oct)
Total 4165 5068 3192
Avg. per Month 347 422 456
Maintenance of Special trains & extra coaches in regular trains:
Specials trains Extra coaches in regular trains
Cum. No. of special Cum. No. of extra
trains (coaches) 347 coaches attached in
maintained during (7332) regular trains during 1233
Apr-22 to Oct-22 Apr-22 to Oct-22
Disposal of Scrap:
Total Scrap
Target Prop. Target % variation over
Year disposed
(in MT) (in MT) Target
(in MT)
2020-21 525 525 585 + 11 %
2021-22 560 560 980 + 75 %
2022-23 650 379 602 + 59 %