Page 33 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 33
Any other Achievements :
ONE STATION ONE PRODUCT (OSOP): Total 111 stations have been
identified to implement the program. In Phase-I, 17 Locations have
been identified with Vendors for implementation of OSOP Stall.
Fabrication of OSOP stalls have been completed at 17 stations.
Sundry Revenue from Commercial Contracts of SC Division:
Revenue in Lakhs
Cumulative up to October 2022
Sl Target
No Unit 22-23 Target 21-22 22-23 % var % var Over
2022-23 Target 21-22
1 Commercial Publicity 408.15 238.09 16.88 221.59 -6.93 1212.74
2 Parking (Car/Scooter) 437.05 254.95 57.62 711.21 178.97 1134.31
3 Catering stall 1151.00 671.42 61.33 423.79 -36.88 591.00
4 MPS - 0.00 13.09 33.11 0.00 152.94
5 Retiring Rooms - 0.00 0.00 51.98 0.00 0.00
6 Pay and Use 36.25 21.15 0.00 45.97 117.40 0.00
7 Comml Plots - 0.00 35.29 45.34 0.00 28.48
8 Cloak Room 14.00 8.17 0.00 31.60 286.94 0.00
9 Time Tables 0 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00
10 AC Waiting Hall 13.00 7.58 0.00 80.06 955.74 0.00
TOTAL 2059.45 1201.35 184.21 1644.76 36.90 792.87
Others- IRSDC Dues
11 0 0.00 0.00 176.47 0.00 0.00
TOTAL including IRSDC Dues 2059.45 1201.35 184.21 1821.23 51.60 888.67