Page 35 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 35


             69 locations identified for multipurpose stalls.
             14 new stalls awarded and 20 existing bookstalls converted into MPS.

             Tenders will be called for the remaining 35 stalls in Jan-23.

             Total No. of  67  Assets  have been created in e-Auction portal, out of

                 which, 27 ATM contracts are manual existing contracts.
             A  Revenue  of  Rs.30.45  lakhs  have  been  earned  till  Oct  ’2022  for  this

                 financial year.
             Fresh tenders have been floated in E-Auction module for remaining 40

                 locations, to be opened on 12, 14, 15 &16  of November 2022.

            Pay & Use:
             54 Locations were identified for Pay & Use contracts.
             15 contracts were awarded out of 54 Pay & Use contracts.

             Fresh tenders will be floated after finalization of revision of user charges
                 submitted for administration approval.

            Commercial Plots:

             Commercial plot contracts have been awarded in 8 locations (GDRA-
                 for Granite, TPY- for Coal, PRPI- for Coal, SNF- for Steel, OPL-For Coal, KZJ-
                 For Dolomite, MUGR- for Coal, JPTN – For Containers).
             Earnings of Rs.45.11 lakhs have been earned through Commercial plots
                 for the financial year 2022-2023.

            A/C Waiting Hall:
             Assets have been created for 5 Locations of A/C waiting hall contracts

                (SC, HYB, BMT, LPI, WL) in E-Auction Module.
             SC ACWH contract has been awarded at an annual value of Rs.1.35 crs

                and at Rs.4.49 Lakhs for Warangal station through e-Auction portal.
             Fresh tenders for operation and maintenance of AC waiting halls at HYB,
                BMT &LPI stations as combined contract has been floated in e-Auction

                portal, to be opened on 18.11.2022.

            Parcel Handling:
             Fresh Tenders have been floated for Movement of parcel handling with
                loading  and  unloading  activities  for  HYB  and  SC  Parcel  offices  on

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