Page 82 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 82

                  Provided pucca catch water drain with RCC for a length of 120.00 mts.
                    The existing soil heap is removed and widened on both sides of LHS&RHS

                    to prevent the slippage of earth into drain due to heavy rain
                  Jacketing of face and parapet wall with RCC in integrating with tunnel at
                    Gulbarga end.
                  Gulbarga end:The cutting on LH side which is with 5 benches in which 2nd
                    &  3rd  benches  are  Doweld  and  Shotcreted  to  prevent  slippage  of
                    boulders/slopes  and  also  provided  Catch  water  drains  on  all  five
                    benches. The earth bund is provided to on the top bench to prevent for
                    incoming of rain water gushed into bench and also in track.

                    BIDR END:
                  The LH and RH side cutting is widened by 20m upto a length of 60 m duly
                    providing 3 benches
                  Provided shotcreting and rockbolting at both LH and RH  sides to prevent
                    slippage of boulders.
                  Provided retaining wall for a length of 20m in RH side and 40 m in LH side.
                  For safety of track the existing soil heap was too vertical and very close to
                    the existing deep cut portion of RHS side which is removed and widened
                    on top bench of RHS to prevent slippage of earth into track due to heavy
                    rain in monsoon season.

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