Page 42 - final flipbook
P. 42
media advertising shows it’s effectiveness and could be the first choice of the marketers use to
Introduction to research methodology provides students with a comprehensive
overview of a broad range of research paradigms and methodologies, with their
ontological and epistemological underpinnings, as well as associated methods and
techniques, in order to inform the design of methodologically sound research
proposals and to develop their interdisciplinary methodological literacy as future
researchers. This chapter clearly defines the research methods used to conduct the
study. It provides information to searching that is the criteria for inclusion in the study,
The researcher explains how the necessary data and information to address the
research objectives and questions was collected, presented and analytical. Reasons
and justifications for the research design, research instruments, data sources, data
collection techniques, data presentation techniques and analytical techniques used are
given. Lastly, the ethical issues that were followed in the process are also discussed.
Everything we need to know about advertising research. The advertising research is
to be conducted to measure the advertising impact or the result of the effort with the
help of detailed study on advertising objectives, product appeals, copy testing, and
media effectiveness.
The advertising research is an application of marketing research aimed at the
measurement of advertising effectiveness. Advertising research is better defined by
history and practice than anything else. Research comes into the advertising process at
several points. Early in the process, it is sometimes used to help a marketer determine
which segment of the market to target.
The history of advertising research tells us quite a bit about its current status.
Although some advertising agencies have had research departments for 80 years or
more, the real boom days came between the 1930s and the 1970s.