Page 16 - Hello! Holiday Recipe Book
P. 16

Italian Sausage &               Directions

  Corn Bread Stuffing                 1. Melt butter in large skillet over medium-high

      8 servings                       heat. Add sausage, cook until browned,
      30 minutes                       breaking the sausage apart as it cooks.
                                       Add onion, celery, and red bell peppers,
   Ingredients                         cook about 12 minutes. Stir in green onions,
                                       thyme, hot pepper sauce, and sage.
                                       Transfer sausage mixture to large bowl. Stir
   2 tbsp butter                       stuffing mix into sausage mixture.  Season
   1 lb andouille sausage, cut         with salt & pepper.
   into 1/3" pieces                  2. To bake stuffing in Turkey: Loosely fill main
                                       turkey cavity with stuffing. Add broth to
   1 lb sweet Italian sausage          remaining stuffing to moisten lightly (about
   3 cups onion, chopped               1/4 to 1/2 cup, depending on amount of
   2 cups celery, chopped              stuffing.) Butter glass or ceramic baking
                                       dish. Spoon remaining stuffing into dish.
   2 cups red bell peppers,            Cover with buttered foil, buttered side
   chopped                             down. Bake stuffing in dish alongside turkey
   1 cup green onion, chopped          until heated through, about 30 minutes.
                                       Uncover stuffing and bake until top is just
   2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped          crisp and golden, about 15 minutes.
   1 tsp hot pepper sauce            3. To bake all of stuffing in baking dish:
   1 tsp dried rubbed sage             Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter glass
                                       or ceramic baking dish. Add enough broth
   12 oz dry corn bread stuffing       to moisten stuffing (about 3/4 to 1 1/2
   mix                                 cups). Transfer stuffing to prepared dish.
   1 1/2 cups low-sodium               Cover with buttered foil, buttered side
                                       down and bake until heated through, about
   chicken broth                       30 minutes. Uncover and bake until top is
                                       crisp and golden, about 20 minutes longer.
   From the Kitchen of:

   Paige W.                         Notes
   Hello! Southern California       My family has been making this stuffing recipe
                                    since we were first married (18 years!) and it
   Director of Operations           has become a traditional dish at all of our
                                    holiday meals.  Everyone expects us to bring it
                                    and we always make extra so that we have
                                    leftovers to enjoy at home in the days following
                                    the family get together.
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