Page 11 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 11

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 11

         “ W E S L E Y   B O Y Z ”   M A R C H   I N   M L K   P A R A D E

              The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 participated in the
              20th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade on Monday, January
              20, 2020 in Baltimore, MD. The parade commemorates the life and
              legacy of civil rights leader and icon, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. More
              than 70 groups participate in the parade annually including high
              school and community bands, honor/color guards, equestrian units,
              Fraternities and Sororities, lively dance squads, and civic organiza-
              The morning began with approximately 100 Brothers from the various
              Lodges that make up the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
              of Maryland (MWPHGLMD) assembled at the Grand Lodge around
              10:00 am. At approximately 10:30 am, Brothers then braved the 32
              degree temperatures by waiting outside for close to 2 hours until the
              parade commenced. Fortunately, the Brothers, with the permission of
              the Grand Master, were able to wear coats, hats, scarves, and gloves
              under their full Masonic regalia. While waiting for the parade to begin,
              Brothers got the opportunity to meet and to fellowship with one an-
              other in the spirit of Brotherly Love. The parade began a little over the 12:30 pm timeframe with the
              route being approximately 1 mile in length. The community also braved the cold temperature by coming
              out to watch the parade and to show their support to all the participants. Many people lined both sides
              of the parade route, waving, cheering, and thanking the participants for coming.
              The parade was a HUGE success! This parade was very important in that, not only did the parade com-
              memorated the life and legacy of a warrior who stood for freedom, but also provided a positive setting to
              a city that has been plagued with senseless gun violence and poverty. This was a much needed event!
              A special shout out goes to the Brothers of Wesley who represented in the parade: Worshipful Master
              Duron Haynesworth, Senior Warden Robert Cooper, Marshal Brian Tillman, and our very own Regional
              Deputy Grand Master, Willard Beach! The Brothers enjoyed each other’s company and enjoyed serving
              the community on this MLK Day of remembrance!
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