Page 14 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 14

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 14

         F O R   Y O U R   O W N   H E A L T H :   C H R O N I C   K I D N E Y   D I S E A S E   ( C K D )   ( C O N ’ T )

              work as well to help control your blood pressure. Kidney disease is often “progressive”, which means it
              Also in some cases, people with CKD can also develop anemia, bone disease, and malnutrition. Kidney
              disease could also lead to other health problems, such as heart disease. If you have kidney disease, it
              increases your chances of having a stroke or heart attack. High blood pressure can be both a cause and
              gets worse over time.
              The damage to your kidneys causes scars and is permanent. When kidneys fail, dialysis acts as a re-
              placement. Dialysis is an artificial process that uses a special fluid containing a mixture of pure water
              and chemicals to carefully eliminate wastes, salt, and extra water from the blood without removing sub-
              stances the body needs. This process helps control blood pressure and keeps the body’s electrolytes
              in balance by keeping safe levels of potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate in the blood. Many people are
              afraid to learn that they have kidney disease because they think that all kidney disease leads to dialysis.
              However, most people with kidney disease will not need dialysis.

              If you have kidney disease, you can continue to live a productive life, work, spend time with friends and
              family, stay physically active, and do other things you enjoy. You may need to change what you eat and
              add healthy habits to your daily routine to help you protect your kidneys.


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