Page 19 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
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T H E W E S L E Y H E R A L D Page 19
“ F O R Y O U R I N F O R M A T I O N ” / U P C O M I N G E V E N T S
Event: Conferring of 1st Degree for Shelton D. Redding
When: February 10, 2020
Location: Shelton D. Redding Lodge #139, 6060 Sargent Road, Hyattsville, MD
Time: 7:30 PM (Gavel)
Event: 3rd Annual Thurgood Marshall Black History Month Celebration (Summons)
When: February 23, 2020
Location: Morgan State University, Murphy Fine Arts Center, 2201
Argonne Drive, Baltimore, MD
Time: 2:45 PM
Event: Conferring of 1st Degree
When: February 27, 2020
Location: Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147, Knights of Saint John Hall, 13004 12th Street, Bowie,
Time: 7:30 PM (Gavel)
Event: 1st Constituent Lodge Workshop
When: March 9, 2020
Location: Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland, 1307 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, MD
Time: 9:30 AM
Event: Charles H. Wesley Annual Prayer Breakfast
When: March 21, 2020
Location: Boswell Hall, 6111 Columbia Way, Bowie, MD
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Event: 1st Degree Proficiency
When: April 9, 2020
Location: Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147, Knights of Saint John Hall, 13004 12th Street, Bowie,
Time: 7:30 PM (Gavel)
Event: Conferring of 2nd Degree
When: April 23, 2020