Page 20 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
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T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 20

         C H A R L E S   H .   W E S L E Y   L O D G E   N O .   1 4 7   O F F I C E R S ,   2 0 1 9   -   2 0 2 0

              Worshipful Master - Bro. Duron Haynesworth

              Senior Warden - Bro. Robert Cooper

              Junior Warden - Deron Pittman
              Secretary - Bro. Lawrence Mercer

              Treasurer - Bro. Shon Bowe

              Senior Deacon - Bro. Phil Ludd
              Junior Deacon - Bro. Marlon Selmon

              Senior Steward - Bro. Tavar Smith

              Junior Steward - Bro. Gregory Stotts
              Chaplain - Bro. Emerson Sanchez II

              Marshal - Bro. Brian Tillman

              Tyler - Bro. Bryan Simmons
              Associate Secretary - Bro. Oliver Minall

              Recording Secretary - Bro. Oliver Minall

              Associate Treasurer - Open

              Regular Communications

              Every 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month @ 7:30pm (Gavel)

              Location:                                                 Staff Communication

              Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147                           Every 1st Saturday of the month
              Knights of St. John Hall                                  Location: Varies

              13004 12th Street, Bowie, MD 20715

                  “Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147: A Lodge Determined To Make A Difference”
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